Recent IAAQLI grant recipient, Girl Talk Incorporated, is launching their College Success Skills & Readiness program starting early May for African American female students in Indianapolis to increase college-going rates, encourage graduation of higher education, and provide guidance in removing financial barriers and confusion in applying for funding opportunities. In partnership with SheEdits, this program provides the Scholarship Success Simplified program at no cost to participants.
Featured Topics
- Collge Application Assistance
- Financial Aid Guidance
- Skills & Mental Toughness
- Essay & Test Preparation
- Scholarships & College Funding
- Pipeline to Higher Education
- 21st Century Scholars
Girl Talk Inc. in partnership with Brianna Membres, founder of SheEdits LLC, Angel McAllister, founder of Owtspoken Girl, Inc., and Donisha Council, founder of All Things Woke, want to help increase the college admission and completion rates among African American female students in Indiana. Helping young women grow, succeed, and build their futures.

Register Now!
Students must be African American females who are Sophomores Juniors, or Seniors enrolled in High School or a HSE Program.
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