Board of Directors Questionnaire

Thank you for considering being part of Girl Talk Incorporated! We are an amazing non-profit empowerment organization. We are excited for you to join us as we continue with our mission to serve and equip young girls with life skills that build self-confidence while allowing them to become successful in achieving their personal and professional goals!

Girl Talk Inc. would like to know just a bit more about who you are, why Girl Talk, and what you can bring to the organization. Below are a few questions that will help us know if you are a good fit for this organization and if we are a good fit for you.

"*" indicates required fields

Are you able to attend a bi-monthly one-hour board meeting?*
If selected as a board member, are you willing to attend at least two Girl Talk sessions per 8-week session, and participate and help with at least two other Girl Talk Inc. events/workshops?*
Are you able to make a board contribution of $250 in the first quarter of the calendar year to Girl Talk Inc.?*
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